Local Crime Branch

About Us
Handling Subjects:-
- Modus Operandi Bureau.
- Missing persons.
- Parole and Furlough leave of prisoners.
- Absconders / Wanted persons.
- Summons and Warrants.
- Theft of Motor Vehicles.
- Human Rights Application.
- Jail release accused.
- Child labour.
- Tiger Cell.
- Spl. Executive Magistrate.
- Detection of undetected Crime.
Aim of M.O.B.:-
1.To detect a crime with particular modus operandi
2. To keep crime under control prevention of crime
3.To scene of crime visit of sensitive and serious offences as
1) Murder :-
A) For Gain .
B) Undetected Murder.
C) Political Murder.
2) Dacoity:-
A) Dacoity with Arms.
B) Dacoity committed by habitual criminals.
C) Serial Dacoities in specific area.
3) Robbery:-
A) Robbery with Arms & Ammunitions.
B) Robbery by habitual criminals.
C) Serial robberies in specific area.
4) Burglery :-
A) HBT above Rs.20,000/-.
B) Temple Theft (Idol and above Rs 5000/-).
C) HBT by habitual criminals.
D) HBT by known Gangs.
CRIME INVESTIGATION OF :- Detection and investigation serious, sensitive and undetected offences under :-
1) Corruption.
2) Suspected Death.
3) Application.
4) Missing persons.
5) Human rights violations.
RAIDS :-To Conduct
1) Prohibition.
2) Narcotic drugs.
3) Weapons and fire arms.
4) Essential Commodities.
5) Gambling.
WATCH:-To keep watch on and to take legal action against
1) History-sheeters.
2) Inter-District and Inter-State criminals
3) Absconder and wanted criminals.
4) Criminal Gangs.
5) On Immoral trafficking of children
and women.